Optimizing your Life, Brain, and Day w/ Dr. Andrew Huberman

This week on the pod, Professor of Neuroscience at Stanford’s MD Lab, Andrew Huberman, talks about the brain, how to optimize your day, and what he prescribed Joey to become more efficient with his daily and nightly routine. Listen to the entire episode to find the breathing technique that will calm you down in a few seconds, and the meditation practice anyone can do! Plus, what’s the ONE thing you should do first thing in the morning?!

Andrew’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hubermanlab/?igshid=1t8v8jh5hpd4l


Joey’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joeythurmanfit/?hl=en

Joey’s Website: https://joeythurman.com/

Fad or Future Website: https://www.fadorfuture.com/
